Levels in Spanish courses
Before starting to study, I recommend students to have a short interview with me so that I can assess their Spanish level and thus I can recommend the best classes for them. The different levels of Spanish can be studied in groups and in private classes.
The first level is Beginners and then, following the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), we have the levels:
At the end of each level, students receive a certificate of studies for that level and they can continue studying next level.
The Spanish course for beginners is for students who know little or nothing of Spanish.
We use a Beginner’s material designed by me. This method is easy, communicative and effective. Oral communication in Spanish is the most important thing. Students learn practical communication that they can use in everyday life in Spain.
The Spanish course for Beginners consists of 21 units plus 4 review units. The complete course can be studied in approximately 20-25 lessons.
The explanations are simple and clear, there are drawings that help in understanding. The students speak Spanish all the time. Every day I ask them orally what we have studied in previous classes.
I give the explanations in Spanish, if necessary the students can use English to ask questions, and I can translate into English if necessary.
At this level we use Spanish with a Castilian accent (standard). I also explain to them the differences that exist with Andalusian, the language of the south of Spain, this is very important so that they can understand the people with whom they can speak outside the class.
Upon finishing the beginners course, students are able to communicate in Spanish at a basic level: ask and say their name, surname, occupation, nationality, tastes, moods, possessions, needs, directions, verbs of movement, transportation, conversations in shops, restaurants,… , they receive their certificate and are ready to start the next level of Spanish.

It is for students who know a little Spanish.
In the basic level Spanish course we use the textbook and the work-book: Español en marcha 1, nueva edición, SGEL. The exercises and texts in the book serve as an introduction to what is most important: that students speak Spanish in class.
At this level we go a little deeper into Spanish grammar and expand our vocabulary. I give the explanations very slowly, making sure that all the students understand them. The students step by step build more elaborate sentences and thus we can have more conversations.
In the basic level Spanish course we study the Present tense and a little of the Past tenses.
We speak in Spanish about many subjects, any subject is good as long as we speak in Spanish.

It is for students who know the Present tense in Spanish and some of the Past tenses and need to study and practice them more.
We study with the book and the work-book: Español en marcha 2, nueva edición, SGEL At this level the conversation in Spanish is bigger because they can now use the past tenses to talk about their experiences.
We study in depth and practice the Past tenses, we study the Future tense and we have an introduction to the Present Subjunctive, we also continue practicing the Present.
We also do exercises and games to expand their vocabulary.
Sometimes I tell them to write short essays in Spanish so that they can practice written Spanish.
In the Intermediate level Spanish course, I start to speak some words with Andalusian accent so that they can understand people from the south of Spain. I gradually introduce the Andalusian accent, to make it easy for them. It is very important for students to understand Andalusian, so they can understand the people from southern Spain.

It is for students who already have quite a large vocabulary and handle verbs in the Present and Past. They need to continue practicing the verbs in the Past and study the verbs in the Subjunctive.
We use the book and the work-book: Español en marcha 3, nueva edición, SGEL.
At this level it is a pleasure to see how they can converse in Spanish with confidence and fluently. We continue practicing the Past tenses and we study case by case when the Present Subjunctive and the Imperfect Subjunctive Preterite are used. These grammar topics need a lot of practice to master, so we repeat and correct all what is necessary.

It is for students who understand Spanish quite well and speak Spanish quite well. They need to correct small mistakes and continue learning the uses of the Subjunctive.
We use the Spanish book and work-book: Español en marcha 4, nueva edición, SGEL
We expand the vocabulary with texts from a higher level and we study special cases of Spanish
In the Advanced level Spanish course I already speak with an Andalusian accent, as I normally speak and my students understand me. Sometimes I tell them as homework to listen to songs, television or radio programs in which they sing or speak with Andalusian or Castillian accent, so that they listen and understand other people.

It is for students who have a high level of Spanish and want to improve their level and expand their vocabulary.
We do grammar and vocabulary exercises to strengthen their knowledge and study some exceptional cases. And we do a lot of conversation in Spanish. Students can also write texts to improve their Spanish.
Here I also recommend that for homework they read texts in real Spanish, listen to radio or television programs and answer questions about them.
In Higher Level Spanish courses I speak with Andalusian accent, as I normally speak and my students understand me. Sometimes I tell them as homework to listen to songs, television or radio programs in which they sing or speak with Andalusian or Castillian accent, to listen and understand other people.